Choose Your Own Adventure

“Choose Your Own Adventure”

Double Unders 10 Mins of Practice, then 2 Min AMR

18 Min AMRAP
(Athlete can break up reps and movements into any rep scheme/order they want)
1 Mile Run
100 Wall Balls 20/14
100 Push-ups FB: 100 HSPU
100 KB Swings 53/35 FB: 70/53

Ex: 1. Rounds of 200m Run / 5 HSPU / 10 Wall Balls / 15 KBS
2. 800m Run Buy in, then 5 Rounds of 20 push-ups / 20 Wall Balls / 20 KBS, if time, finish with 800m Run

Floor To Ceiling

“Floor To Ceiling”

Deadlifts 5 x 5 @ Starting @ 65% and building up to 80%

5 Rope Climbs FB: Legless (Scale to 12 Chin-ups)
21 Deadlifts 185/135 FB: 225/155
400m Run
3 Rope Climbs FB: Legless (Scale to 8 Chin-ups)
15 Deadlifts
400m Run
1 Rope Climb FB: Legless (Scale to 4 Chin-ups)
9 Deadlifts
400m Run

Sunday Classes

Hey Felix,

As you all know, we are in the process of starting a new location in an Amazon building here in downtown Seattle. In an effort to supply the best experience possible, I have partnered up with 2 amazing woman that will be helping to launch this new project.

Tomorrow at Felix we will be running two trial classes with the new format. If you are available, I would really appreciate your company for one if not both of the classes. 8:30am and 9:30am. One class will be geared and run with some light weights, and the second as a body weight class. What I am looking for is your full and honest feedback. The good, the bad, and the ... whatever else you got :)

Lastly, if you could do me a solid and like, share, and even comment below, I would really appreciate it. My goal is to fill these two classes up so that we get a true feeling of what a class might be run like. Trying to get my full Felix crew there.

Look forward to seeing you all in class tomorrow,
CrossFit Felix Team