Monday 11.5.18


Pistols, 15 min

12 Minute AMRAP:
6 Power Cleans
12 Ring Dips
24 Double Unders
*Compare to Sept. 3

Level 3: 165/115
Level 2- 135/95
Level 1- A weight that the power clean is challenging, but sets of 2-3 connected reps should be possible. Goal in this workout is for the clean to be a challenging weight. Dips should be smooth and broken into smaller sets. Scale with push-ups if necessary. Workout should not necessarily be a burner but more smooth/steady



Deadlift 4x3
80% of 1RM. Deadlift retest next week! If 1RM is not known use a moderate loading and keep it the same across all sets.

12 Minute AMRAP
16 DB Snatches, Alternating
8 Burpees
2 Rope Climbs

Level 3- 50/35
Level 2- 35/25
Level 1- A weight that allows for the snatch to be done unbroken in the first 3-4 rounds

Thursday 11.1.18


12 Minute Steady AMRAP, not for rounds, but for quality of movement
10 Double KB Overhead Sit-Ups
Single Arm Overhead DB walk down and back across gym floor
10 Bulgarian deadlifts with DB's, on each leg

20 Minute AMRAP
50 Box Jump Overs (Must be done in 5's)
50 Push-Ups (Must be done in unbroken 5's each set)
50 Pistols (Must be done in 5's)
50 DB Power Cleans (Must be done in 5's)

Partners can have 2 separate weights or scaling modifications. The sets must all be done in 5's, but they do not have to be done back and forth. One partner could do 10, the other could do 5 if you need a break. All sets done must be in multiples of 5 or the set does not count. Pick weights that let you move steady throughout, but on the clean should be moderately challenging. If you do not have pistols scale to DB Lunges with the same weight of DB's as you use for the power clean.

Wednesday 10.31.18


Steal the ball game-

Back Squat 10-8-6-4-2
Final week for this progression. Add weight from last week if you performed this, oherwise start at 70% and build each set. If you do not know your 1RM start at a moderately challenging weight and build over the 5 sets.

30 T2B 400M Run
30 Overhead Squats
400M Run
30 Double KB or DB Push-Press
(14 Minute Time Cap)

Level 3- 75/55, 36/26
Level 2- 45/35, 25/15
Level 1- A weight that allows for short rests, quick sets, and constant movement through the indoor work