Monday 1.14.19


Spend 10-12 Minutes working through handstand progressions or headstand progressions. *After each set of handstand perform 3-5 reps of a strict pull-up variation

4 Rounds:
1:00 Bike Cals
:30 rest
1:00 Row Cals
:30 rest
1:00 Wall-Bals
:30 Rest

Athletes can start at any station in the workout.
Level 3- 20/14
Level 2- 20/14
Level 1- A weight that allows for at least :45 of work on wall-balls

Thursday 1.10.19


Hungry Hungry Hippos

50 Plank pull-Throughs with Dumbbell each side
Tabata Side plank left
Tabata side plank right

4 Rounds, For Time:
20 KB Swings
7 Power Cleans
After each round perform 75 Double Unders
(16 Minute Time Cap)

Level 3- 53/36, 155/105
Level 2- 36/26, 115/85
Level 1- A weight that allows KB to be done unbroken, clean touch and go in 2-3 sets per round. Clean weight should be moderately challenging.

Wednesday 1.9.19


Back Squat
Perform 3x3 with 87.5% of your 1Rm, then a single AMRAP set with 77.5% of your 1Rm. If you did not test your 1Rm on the Total day, perform 3x3 with a heavy load but just below maximal. Then, AMRAP with a weight you can perform around 10 reps with. If you did this last week simply add 10Lbs to your sets of 4, but now performing 3 reps instead. Add 10Lbs to your AMRAP set as well.

"Felix Baseline 1"
Check your scores from last time, beat them, and Have fun!
13 Minute AMRAP:
20 Wall-Balls
10 Devils Press

Level 3- 20/14, 35/25
Level 2- 14/10, 25/15
Level 1- Select a Weight That allows for constant movement. This is a pure conditioning test, so there should be no reason to stop because of load or muscle failure.

Tuesday 1.8.19


Spend 15 Minutes working through skin the cat progressions.

EMOMx21 Minutes:
Min 1: 1 Round of DT
Min 2: X# of Toes to Bar
Min 3: Rest

Level 3- 135/95, 12 T2B Per Round
Level 2- 95/65, 10 T2B Per Round
Level 1- A weight that allows you to cycle the complex unbroken, and a number of T2B you can complete in no more than 2 sets.

Monday 1.7.19


Bench Press
Perform 3x3 with 87.5% of your 1Rm, then a single AMRAP set with 77.5% of your 1Rm. If you did not test your 1Rm on the Total day, perform 3x3 with a heavy load but just below maximal. Then, AMRAP with a weight you can perform around 10 reps with. If you did this last week simply add 10Lbs to your sets of 4, but now performing 3 reps instead. Add 10Lbs to your AMRAP set as well.

In Partners: 12 Minute AMRAP:
Partner A Performs Overhead Squats
Partner B Performs 2 Round of Cindy (5 Pull-Ups 10 Push-Ups 15 Air Squats)
-Partners switch once 2 rounds of Cindy are completed, keep a running count of al overhead squats completed, this is your score.

Level 3- 115/85
Level 2- 95/65
Level 1- A weight that allows for the reps to be done in sets of 7-8 each time.