Friday 1.4.19


12 Minutes Steady
Down and back double KB Front rack carry
10 single leg RDL on each leg
20 Hollow Rocks

For Time:
Power Clean
Burpee Box Jump
Rest 2:00 and repeat
(8 Minute Cap per round, 18 Minute total cap including the rest time)

Level 3: 135/95, 24/20
Level 2- 95/65, 24/20
Level 1- A weight that lets you sprint through the power cleans, these should be quick intervals

Thursday 1.3.19


Back Squat
Perform 3x4 with 85% of your 1Rm, then a single AMRAP set with 75% of your 1Rm. If you did not test your 1Rm on the Total day, perform 3x4 with a heavy load but just below maximal. Then, AMRAP with a weight you can perform around 10 reps with. If you performed this last week, add 5Lbs to your AMRAP set from last week and attempt to match/beat your rep count.

From minutes 0-6
Run 400M
Row 500M
Max Overhead lunges in remaining time
From minutes 6-12
Run 400M
Row 500M Max front rack lunges in remaining time

Level 3- 95/65
Level 2- 75/55
Level 1- Empty barbell, or a weight that allows for sets of at least 10 reps at a time on the barbell based on the overhead lunge. Scale monostructural distances to a point that allows at least 1:30 on the barbell in the first interval.

Wednesday 1.2.19


Bench Press
Perform 3x4 with 80-85% of your 1Rm, then a single AMRAP set with 75% of your 1Rm. If you did not test your 1Rm on the Total day, perform 3x4 with a heavy load but just below maximal. Then, AMRAP with a weight you can perform around 10 reps with.

For Time: (14 Minute Time Cap)
100 Double Unders
75 Wall-Balls
50 Power Snatches
25 T2B

Level 3- 75/55, 20/14
Level 2- 55/45, 20/14
Level 1- A weight that allows for sets of snatches in 15-20 rep increments, wall-Balls done in sets of no less than fast 10's

Monday 12.31.18


Deadlift 3x4 with 85% if you know your 1RM, then an AMRAP set with 75%.
-Do not push the AMRAP to true failure, keep form perfect.
-NO TOUCH AND GO REPS, all must reset on the ground.
-If you did not test your deadlift max then perform 3x4 with a challenging but not maximal weight then an AMRAP with something you believe you can achieve around 8 reps with.

9 Minute AMRAP:
9 Front Squats
9 Shoulder to Overhead
9 Thrusters

Level 3- 95/65
Level 2- 75/55
Level 1- A weight that allows sets to be linked together and at least 5-7 reps to be done each time the bar is picked up