Friday 12.28.18


22 Minute Section. 3x4 with 85% if you know your 1RM, then an AMRAP set with 75%. Do not push the AMRAP to true failure, keep form perfect. NO TOUCH AND GO REPS, all must reset on the ground.

If you did not test your deadlift max then perform 3x4 with a challenging but not maximal weight then an AMRAP with something you believe you can achieve around 8 reps with. If you performed this last week, increase the weight by 5Lbs on your AMRAP set and look to match or beat your rep count.

800M Run
Then, 4 Rounds:
8 Devil's Press
24 Alternating Jumping Lunges
(12 Minute Cap)

Level 3- 35/25
Level 2- 25/15
Level 1- A weight that you can quickly cycle when fatigued. The focus here is on conditioning not the load being used.

Thursday 12.27.18


Relay Games

2 Reps every 2 minutes for 7 rounds.

Focus here is on performing technically proficient reps, pick weights accordingly. Athletes with sound technique should look to build up over the course of the EMOM.

Hang Power Cleans
Toes to Bar
(12 Minute Time Cap)

Level 3- 135/95
Level 2- 95/65
Level 1- A weight that allows you to cycle at minimum sets of 10 on the hang power cleans at the start. T2B can be scaled with either V-Ups or Knee Raises

Wednesday 12.26.18


Back Squat
20-22 Minute Section: Perform 3x4 with 85% of your 1Rm, then a single AMRAP set with 75% of your 1Rm.

If you did not test your 1Rm on the Total day, perform 3x4 with a heavy load but just below maximal. Then, AMRAP with a weight you can perform around 10 reps with. If you performed this last week, add 5Lbs to your AMRAP set from last week and attempt to match/beat your rep count.

Row 150 Calories (Bike 100 Calories) For Time

Every minute on the minute perform 1 manmaker Level 3- 50/35 Level 2- 35/25 Level 1- A weight that is heavy for the single manmaker, each rep should be challenging even in the first few rounds.

Tuesday 12.25.18

“12 Days of CrossFit”

1 Sumo Deadlift High-Pull
2 Thrusters
3 Push Press
4 Power Cleans
5 Power Snatches
6 Kettlebell Swings
7 Pull-Ups
8 Knees-to-Elbows
9 Box Jumps
10 Double-Unders
11 Burpees
12 Overhead Walking Lunges

Performed like the song 1, then 2-1, then 3-2-1, then 4-3-2-1 etc.
L3- 95/65# barbell, 53/36 KB, 24/20" Box
L2- 75/55# barbell, 36/26 KB, 24/20" Box
L1- Weights and heights that allow for consistent movement, base barbell weight off of your weakest movement between all of them.

Monday 12.24.18


Spend 10-12 minutes practicing Handstand progressions for handstand walking, handstand push-ups, wall walks, etc.

16 Minute AMRAP:
40 Lateral over bar Burpees
20 Deadlift
20 Pistols (Alternating)

Level 3- 225/155
Level 2- 185/125
Level 1- A weight that allows the deadlift done in no more than 2 sets per round. Pistols can be scaled with bands, boxes, or with Lunges (weighted or unweighted)